Doberman Teething: Full Timeline, FAQs, & How To Help (2024)

Teething is a rough ride for all Doberman puppies. It’s an unavoidable step that can’t be skipped.

Thankfully, however, there is a range of ways to make the process more tolerable for your Dobie puppy and your fingers!

This article answers all of your questions about the teething stage. Let’s get into it!

Doberman Teething: Full Timeline, FAQs, & How To Help (1)

Table of Contents

Doberman Puppy Teething Timeline

Let’s start with two of the most common questions surrounding teething. Below will be a detailed chart outlining each stage

At what age do Doberman puppies start teething?

Teething begins at around 3 weeks when your Doberman puppy’s baby teeth start coming through. This will cause your puppy to start chewing and using his mouth due to the new sensations. At this point, your Dobie puppy will still be with the breeder.

When do Dobermans stop teething?

Dobermans typically stop teething around the 8-month mark when they have their full set of adult teeth. For some, it may be sooner or later than this. Additionally, this doesn’t mean chewing will suddenly stop, however.

Doberman Puppy Teething Timeline

3 Weeks:
Your puppy’s deciduous teeth (baby teeth) will start coming through at around 3 weeks of age. Your puppy will still be with his breeder at this point.

6 Weeks:
At 6 weeks old most deciduous teeth will already be through and your puppy will most certainly be using his new-found teeth to chew and test his biting threshold.

12 Weeks:
At this point, the deciduous teeth will start coming out again to make way for the adult teeth. The first baby teeth to come out are usually the incisors. Your pup will be in full force trying to chew and relieve some of the pain caused by his sore and inflamed gums.

4 Months:
At around 4 months, the adult canines and premolars will start coming through.

6 Months:
By now, your puppy will start bearing his adult molars, and more of his teeth will be pushing through. Expect a lot of chewing and irritation.

8 Months:
At around 8 months, most Dobermans will now have their full set of 42 adult teeth. At this point, it’s advised to schedule a check-up with your veterinarian to ensure all teeth are there and without issues.

This timeline fits most puppies, but there will be exceptions. Some pups may take a little longer to develop their full set, and in very fast cases, teething may be completed as early as 6 months (although this is rare).

If your puppy is still pushing teeth through at 8 months, it’s time to visit your veterinarian for a check-up. In some cases, your veterinarian may need to assist the remaining teeth.

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How Will Your Doberman Puppy Tolerate Teething?

Teething will no doubt be a grueling process for your Dobie pup.

Teething causes irritation, pain, inflammation, and tingling sensations. And these all come in waves of severity, it’s not a smooth ride. Some days your Dobie will be fine, and other days when the pain increases, it’ll affect him dramatically.

Common reactions to teething

The inflammation and tingling sensations will automatically drive your Dobie to chew things.

Your pup will also experience a fluctuation of temperament, some days he’ll be more irritable and badly behaved than others, depending on how bad his pain is.

You can also expect an increased amount of drooling, and slight bleeding from the gums.

How chewing helps with teething

The act of chewing massages the gums and relieves him from the tingle sensations.

It also promotes blood flow to the area which helps with the overall progression of the entire teething process.

Chewing is GOOD for teething and it’s the main reason why puppies learn to chew so much. Expect your Dobie pup to want to chew anything that comes his way.

Expected reactions to when your Doberman puppy starts teething

  • Increased biting and chewing
  • Increased nipping of hands
  • Irritable/bad behavior
  • Increased drooling/saliva
  • Slight bleeding/bloody saliva
  • Lack of attention and focus when training

5 Ways To Help Your Doberman Through The Teething Process

There are many ways you can assist your Doberman puppy through the teething stage.

These tips and tricks will help to reduce the overall pain your pup experiences, should encourage a fast recovery, and stop him from chewing things he shouldn’t be!

1. KONG Puppy Chew Toy

Durable chew toys are of course no.1 on this list, and the best being a KONG puppy chew toy. You’ve likely seen these before, but they do have different variations.

They offer a puppy version that is more forgiving and squishy. While this isn’t appropriate for adults, it’s perfect for teething puppies! The rubbery chewy texture provides the ultimate relief.

Top Tip: To make this even better, put a dollop of peanut butter (Xylitol-free) inside and freeze it for a few hours before giving it to your pup. The peanut butter will keep him chewing the toy, instead of your furniture and the cold temperature will provide relief to the inflamed gums.

2. Frozen Carrots (DIY Chew Stick)

This is a classic and I can’t claim the idea. Frozen carrots have been given to puppies for decades to relieve teething pains.

Stick to one single large carrot, pop it in the freezer and then give it to your pup. This doubles up as a healthy snack and the ideal chew treat that will soothe his inflamed gums with its ice-cold temperature.

Do not give baby carrots as this could present a choking hazard. And only give this treat a few times per week due to the high fiber content. But keep some at the ready! Frozen carrots work wonders when your pup experiences a wave of teething pains.

3. Ice Cube Treats (DIY Treat)

From ice cubes made out of chicken stock to peanut butter-infused ice cubes, you can get very creative with ice cube treats.

This is my personal favorite although your pup will likely leave a trail of watery mess behind him, so be careful of that.

Ice cubes will numb your Doberman’s gums right down and take away nearly all of his pain, even if it’s just temporary, it will be of great relief to him. Ice cube treats are also a great way to keep your puppy hydrated which is of course, important for pretty much everything!

4. Rope Toys

Rope toys are another style of toy that’s ideal throughout the teething stage. When puppies start comping down on the rope, the texture becomes very satisfying and provides a lot of stimulation for the teeth and gums.

Rope toys are also great for getting involved in the games with your puppy. A gentle game of tug of war and fetch will keep your Dobie both physically fit and mentally stimulated.

One thing that puppies love is when we get involved in the game with them. Tug of war is an excellent example of this and although simple, it does A LOT to improve the bond you have with your puppy. P.S you can freeze rope toys too!

5. Teething Chew Treats

Sometimes your puppy will need a little more encouragement to chew something he’s actually allowed to. If you’ve exhausted your supply of ice cubes and frozen toys, you can opt for a tasty teething/dental chew treat.

The texture of these treats will provide your pup with a lot of relief, and they usually last a fair amount of time depending on which type you go for.

Dental treats also contain ingredients that will keep your pup’s mouth clean and healthy. N-Bone teething treats are a great option to try out.

Prevent Your Teething Doberman From Chewing Everything

Your Dobie pup isn’t going to be the only one suffering for the first 8-10 months. Your hands, feet, furniture, and expensive couch will also fall victim!

This is, unfortunately, a common issue with puppies and it’s their teething pains that drive them to chew as much as they can, wherever and whenever they can.

Redirecting Your Doberman Puppy’s Inappropriate Chewing

The key to successfully solving bad chewing habits is to A) redirect your puppy’s inappropriate chewing and B) start doing this as soon as possible!

Redirection and positive reinforcement will be an important part of your every day. This will slowly train your puppy to understand what he is allowed to chew and what he is not allowed to chew.

How to do it: Whenever your Dobie pup tries chewing something he is not allowed to, grab his toy and redirect his attention to that. After he starts chewing his toy for a few seconds, be sure to reward him with praise and a tiny treat. That’s it… it’s simple, but where most people fall short, is being consistent with it.

Every single time your Dobie chews something he shouldn’t you must redirect him to what he is allowed to chew, wait, then praise.

Why this works: Your Dobie (like all dogs) will learn the best through repetition and association. Repetition is all in your consistency, you must redirect every. single. time. your Dobie chews something he isn’t allowed to.

Then once he’s focused on his toy, you associate that with a reward and being a “good boy”. At the end of the day, dogs only ever want to appease their owners and with enough practice, your Dobie pup will eventually only chew the items he knows he’s allowed to (or gets rewarded for).

It’s basic, but it’s still to this day the best way to combat inappropriate training. And be ready for it to take a while!

Redirection training has another very important benefit: Puppies, especially Dobermans, are known to be chewers, and this can extend well past the teething stage. By starting redirection training and being consistent with it, you won’t just prevent inappropriate chewing throughout the teething stage… You’ll prevent it for YEARS to come. And essentially, make him a better-behaved Dobie.

Doberman Teething FAQs

When To Start Brushing Your Doberman’s Teeth?

It’s only necessary to start brushing your Doberman’s teeth once they have finished teething and have their full set of 42 adult teeth. However, it’s advised to get your Dobie familiar with the toothbrush earlier.

Is It Normal To See Blood Throughout Teething?

To a certain extent, yes. Blood in the saliva will happen throughout teething but only in small amounts and infrequently. You should not see heavy pools of blood coming from your puppy’s mouth. If you do, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Does Teething Cause Puppies To Whine?

Sometimes yes. If the teething pains are making your Dobie feel that uncomfortable, it’s normal to hear the occasional whine and sigh. Teething really is a grueling process and it’s important to be ready for a lot of unusual behavior, temperament changes, and chewing.

What If My Puppy Swallows a Baby Tooth?

This happens a lot and is usually nothing to worry about. Deciduous teeth usually come out while your puppy is eating their food and is swallowed at the same time. Although the teeth can be sharp, they usually end up in your puppy’s next poop. Of course, if you notice your puppy to suddenly experiencing severe discomfort after having lost a baby tooth, be sure to call your veterinarian to explain the issue.

Can I Speed Up The Teething Process?

Unfortunately, you can’t directly speed up the teething process. All you can do is assist your Doberman by giving him the correct items to chew that will both relieve pain and stimulate his gums. Apart from that, you’ll just have to be patient and expect teething to last until around 8 months of age.

Thank you for reading!

Be sure to check out our other Doberman articles here on The Puppy Mag

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Before making any decisions that could affect the health and/or safety of your dog, you should always consult a trained veterinarian in your local area. Even though this content may have been written/reviewed by a trained veterinarian, our advice to you is to always consult your own local veterinarian in person. Please read our full dislcaimer if you have any questions.

Doberman Teething: Full Timeline, FAQs, & How To Help (2024)


How long does teething last in Dobermans? ›

At about 12 weeks of age, the Doberman starts the teething phase of its life. This continues for the next 3 months as the baby teeth fall out and the new permanent ones come in. Often you will find teeth on the floor. More often the puppy will just swallow them.

How long does golden retriever teething last? ›

When Do Golden Retrievers Stop Teething? At around four months old, a Golden Retriever puppy's teeth will start falling out. Though this process varies with each dog, Golden Retrievers continue teething until all their new adult teeth have grown in at around six months old.

What is the timeline for dogs losing teeth? ›

Out of all four of these, puppies lose their baby incisors first around 2-5 months old. Next, they lose their canines around 5-6 months, usually around three to five months old. Then, around four to six months old, their premolars come out and are replaced by their adult molars.

What age is dog teething the worst? ›

However, the 4 to 5 months of intense teething can be a real challenge for many pet parents. Puppies seeking pain relief will often chew on almost anything they can find, which, due to their small stature, can include furniture legs, expensive footwear, or even your feet or fingers.

How to help a teething puppy sleep? ›

You can help a teething puppy sleep by following a regular sleep schedule, maintaining a cool, calming environment for your pup, and providing them with cold chew toys just like they'd have during the day. Avoid any unnecessary overstimulation before bed.

How many puppies do Dobermans have in their first litter? ›

“First Litter” for any breed is usually smaller than average…. Dobies average 6–8 puppies, while the record is an astounding 18….

Are dogs in pain when teething? ›

Is it painful? Teething is almost certainly uncomfortable for your puppy. Puppies have increased salivation, loss of appetite and irritability when their teeth erupt. The gums swell and are tender to palpation just prior to tooth eruption.

What is the hardest stage of a puppy? ›

Stage 5: Adolescence (6 – 18 months) This can be the most difficult time during a puppy's development – adolescence. Your cute little puppy is becoming a teenager and will start producing hormones which may result in changes in behaviour.

Can puppies have pain relief for teething? ›

Keep in mind that it is never recommended to give over-the-counter pain medications to your pets. Even holistic remedies, such as clove oil, are not recommended for puppies. Another thing to avoid when your puppy is teething is ice.

Do puppies bleed when they lose teeth? ›

You may find deciduous teeth on the floor, but more likely, your puppy will harmlessly swallow the teeth while he is eating. It is not unusual for some bleeding to occur when the teeth are falling out, but the amount is minuscule and noticeable only if there is some mild red staining on a chew toy.

What do I do if my puppy's teeth are not falling out? ›

If you notice a persistent tooth in your puppy's mouth, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. Typically, persistent deciduous teeth need to be removed (extracted) promptly in order to avoid the secondary problems that occur with the erupting permanent counterpart.

Do dogs act weird when teething? ›

Irritability – your pup may be grumpy and fussy due to the pain of teething. Loss of appetite – your puppy may be less interested in food because chewing can be painful. Pawing at the mouth – your pup may try to rub their mouth or chew on their paws to relieve the discomfort.

Are ice cubes ok for teething puppies? ›

Make sure you do not give your pup ice cubes though, as they may be too rough on their teeth, and there is a danger they can be swallowed whole. Frozen carrots are a much better alternative to ice cubes (although they will stain your carpet so be careful).

How to stop a puppy biting when nothing works? ›

How to stop your puppy biting you
  1. Step 1: Stop the biting with a tug toy. ...
  2. Step 2: Whip the tug toy out before they can get you. ...
  3. Step 3: Keep the play gentle. ...
  4. Step 4: Use your imagination to stop the puppy biting. ...
  5. Step 5: Prevent puppy biting with lots of praise! ...
  6. Step 6: If all else fails – stand still.
Mar 3, 2021

What age do Doberman puppies go home? ›

After 8 weeks old and after their ears are cropped, your puppy is ready to go home to you! This may be between 8-10 weeks (up to 12 weeks for puppies not placed yet) of age depending on what is arranged with you and the breeder.

Are dogs still teething at 12 months? ›

Eventually, your pup's 42 adult teeth will start coming in when they are six to eight months old. Although there is no exact puppy teething timeline, many dogs teethe until they are nine to 12 months old.

Are dogs still teething at 2 years old? ›

Dogs develop two sets of teeth in their lifetime. The first set is the milk or deciduous set which act as placeholders or guides for the permanent teeth. The second set is the permanent teeth which may take up to 2 years to set in the jaw. Therefore teething behaviours are normal up to 2 years of age.

How long do Dobermans carry puppies? ›

One of the first things to learn is how long a Doberman is typically pregnant. Having this information can help you better prepare for the arrival of puppies and time your dog's prenatal care. Like most dogs, a Doberman is usually pregnant for 63 to 65 days or 9 weeks. This is a huge difference from a human pregnancy.


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