Console commands - CK3 Wiki (2024)

This article has been verified for the current version (1.12) of the game.

Crusader Kings III offers a debug mode (disabled by default) that allows the inputting of console commands. This page lists the codes that may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window that may be accessed in non-ironman games while in debug mode by pressing Shift+2, ALT+2+1, Shift+3,§, ~, ^, °, ², or ` (key varies based upon keyboard layout). For QWERTY keyboards, the key is `. Otherwise, Shift + Alt + C may work if the prior combinations did not. Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary.

Character IDs can be seen by hovering the cursor over a character with debug mode enabled.


  • 1 Debug mode
    • 1.1 Enabling debug mode
      • 1.1.1 Mods
      • 1.1.2 Launcher
      • 1.1.3 Steam
      • 1.1.4 Windows
      • 1.1.5 GOG
      • 1.1.6 Xbox Game Pass
    • 1.2 Disabling debug mode
  • 2 Debug info
    • 2.1 Characters
    • 2.2 Events
    • 2.3 Interactions
  • 3 Cheats
    • 3.1 Spawning artifacts
    • 3.2 Scripting commands
  • 4 Testing commands
  • 5 Trait tags
  • 6 Innovation tags
  • 7 Title Tags
    • 7.1 Finding title tags based on in-game name
    • 7.2 Finding custom title tags
  • 8 See also
  • 9 References

Debug mode[edit | edit source]

Debug mode is a set of game tools that allow to modify game behavior outside of normal means. It includes:

  • Console Window (accepts console commands)
  • Debug Menus (including the Portrait Editor, GUI Editor, Tweak Menu and others)
  • Debug Character Interactions (user can instantly change opinion, imprison and more)
  • Ctrl + clicking on a portrait takes control of the character, while Alt + click kills them
  • File watcher that automatically reloads changed files (including mods) into memory

Enabling debug mode[edit | edit source]

Debug mode can be enabled before launching the game and/or toggled in the game using mods. It can be disabled from the console, but can't be re-enabled after it's closed (unless with mods).

How to enable it:

Mods[edit | edit source]

There are a number of mods, like Free Console Access and Debug Toggle.

They allow to toggle the debug mode on and off, making it convenient to use the console and play, but this doesn't enable instant reloading of files. For modding, it's better to use both a mod and launch options.

Launcher[edit | edit source]

In the game Launcher:

  1. Switch to Game Settings on the left
  2. Scroll down to "Open game in Debug Mode" section and click Launch

Steam[edit | edit source]

On Steam:

  1. Right-click the game, open Properties
  2. Add -debug_mode to the Launch Options at the bottom
  3. Start the game

Windows[edit | edit source]

Without Steam, on Windows:

  1. Go to your CK3 directory, "binaries" folder
  2. Right-click ck3.exe and create a shortcut
  3. Right-click the shortcut, open Properties
  4. In the Target field add -debug_mode at the end (so it looks like this "...\ck3.exe" -debug_mode)
  5. Launch the game using the shortcut

GOG[edit | edit source]


  1. Right-click the game, open Settings
  2. Check "Add command line arguments" and enter debug_mode

On GOG Galaxy 2.0:

  1. In the game page, select Settings (next to the Play button at the top of the page)
  2. Open Manage installation and select Configure...
  3. Make sure the Launch parameters "Custom executables / arguments" is ticked at the bottom of the page. You can duplicate the "startgame" executable and type -debug_mode into the Arguments field.

Xbox Game Pass[edit | edit source]

For the Xbox Game Pass / Windows 10 Store edtion it's more complicated, as you cannot create a normal shortcut for it, so you'll have to run the following commands in Command Prompt every time you open the game:

start shell:AppsFolder\ParadoxInteractive.ProjectTitus_zfnrdv2de78ny!App -debug_mode

To simplify it, you can also create a batch (.bat) file with this command and run it from the desktop:

  1. Right-click on your Desktop, choose New -> Text Document.
  2. Rename it to "ck3.bat". Make sure to remove ".txt" from the end. Confirm changes when prompted.
  3. Right-click the file and select Edit.
  4. Paste the command: start shell:AppsFolder\ParadoxInteractive.ProjectTitus_zfnrdv2de78ny!App -debug_mode
  5. Save the file
  6. Double-click it to start the game

nah this dont work man

Disabling debug mode[edit | edit source]

To activate achivements again, disable all active mods and remove -debug_mode from launch options. After launching the game, make sure you have the correct checksum. It can be found in the right corner in the Main Menu.

Debug info[edit | edit source]

Debug info can be enabled and disabled either from one of the console buttons or by using the debug_mode command. When debug info is activated, characters, interactions and events will show debug info which is normally hidden during normal gameplay. It should be noted that when debug info is enabled the game will consume a bit more resources but it shouldn't have a noticeable effect on most machines.

Characters[edit | edit source]

The following values are shown for characters under debug mode:

IDThe character's ID. Used to reference them in events and console commands.
Historical ID
FertilityThe character's fertility as a percentage.
HealthThe character's health as a number. Values are provided with one decimal place.
StressThe amount of stress the character has.
Base WeightRelated to the weight mechanic.
Target WeightRelated to the weight mechanic.
Current WeightRelated to the weight mechanic.

Events[edit | edit source]

Hovering over event options will show the AI weight for the option. Also, in the top-right corner of the event window, hovering over the question mark (?) shows internal details, including the following:

  • Event ID
  • Character for whom the event triggered
  • Root character
  • Saved event targets
  • Saved list targets
  • Descriptions

Interactions[edit | edit source]

In a given interaction's menu, hovering over the purple R next to the final button will show the root scope, the primary/secondary actors and the primary/secondary recipients.

Cheats[edit | edit source]

Cheats are console commands that can be used to give unfair advantages as opposed to sole testing purposes. Note that pressing the Tab key with the debug window open will show a list of commands, and pressing tab again after typing chosen command will show parameters available for the command in the debug window.

abort_travel_planCancels the current activity for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]abort_travel_plan
add_claimAdds a pressed claim on [title id] to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[title id] [character id]add_claim e_hre
add_doctrineAdds [doctrine id] to [faith id], if no faith is specified then the player character's faith. Pressing tab reveals all doctrine IDs.[doctrine id] [faith id]add_doctrine doctrine_gender_equal catholic
add_dreadAdds [amount] of dread to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it.[amount] [character id]add_dread 100
add_house_unity_valueAdds [amount] of house unity. Negative values lower it.[amount]add_house_unity_value 20
add_maaAdds [regiment id] of of men-at-arms to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Pressing tab reveals all regiment IDs.[regiment id] [character id]add_maa bowmen
add_perkAdds [perk id] to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Pressing tab reveals all perk IDs.[perk id] [character id]add_perk thoughtful_perk
add_pietyAdds [amount] of piety to the player character. Negative values lower it. Default 1000.[amount]add_piety 9000
add_piety_no_experienceAdds [amount] of piety to the player character without increasing level of devotion. Negative values lower it. Default 1000.[amount]add_piety_no_experience 9000
add_prestigeAdds [amount] of prestige to the player character. Negative values lower it. Default 1000.[amount]add_prestige 16000
add_prestige_no_experienceAdds [amount] of prestige to the player character without increasing level of fame. Negative values lower it. Default 1000.[amount]add_prestige_no_experience 16000
add_realm_lawPasses [law id] to the realm of [character id], if no character is specified then the player character's realm. Pressing tab reveals all law IDs.[law id] [character id]add_realm_law crown_authority_3
add_realm_law_skip_effectsAdds [law id] to the realm of [character id], if no character is specified then the player character's realm. Pressing tab reveals all law IDs.[law id] [character id]add_realm_law_skip_effects crown_authority_3
add_relationAdds [relation id] between [character id] and [character id], if only one character is specified then between the player character and them.[relation id] [character id]add_relation friend 1234
add_secretAdds [secret id] to the player character. Pressing tab reveals all secret IDs. If no IDs are specified then the player character. Adding [character id 1] [character id 2] creates a secret held by the respective character(s).[secret id] [character id]add_secret secret_witch
add_stressAdds [amount] of stress to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it.[amount] [character id]add_stress 50
add_title_lawAdds [succession law id] to [title id].[title id] [law id]add_title_law e_hre feudal_elective_succession_law
add_traitAdds [trait id] to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[trait id] [character id]add_trait witch
add_lifestyle_xp_allAdds [amount] of experience to all lifestyles of [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Default 1000.[amount] [character id]add_lifestyle_xp_all 2000
add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xpAdds [amount] of diplomacy lifestyle experience to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Default 1000.[amount] [character id]add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp 2000
add_martial_lifestyle_xpAdds [amount] of martial lifestyle experience to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Default 1000.[amount] [character id]add_martial_lifestyle_xp 2000
add_stewardship_lifestyle_xpAdds [amount] of stewardship lifestyle experience to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Default 1000.[amount] [character id]add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp 2000
add_intrigue_lifestyle_xpAdds [amount] of intrigue lifestyle experience to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Default 1000.[amount] [character id]add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp 2000
add_learning_lifestyle_xpAdds [amount] of learning lifestyle experience to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Default 1000.[amount] [character id]add_learning_lifestyle_xp 2000
ageAdds [amount] of age to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it.[amount] [character id]age 20
ai.disableDisables AI for [character id], if no character is specified then all characters.[character id]ai.disable 20076
ai.enableEnables AI for [character id], if no character is specified then all characters.[character id]ai.enable 20076
bypass_requirementsIgnores the requirements for player decisions, interactions, schemes, laws, title creation, struggle endings, royal court language and legend completion.Nonebypass_requirements
change_cultureChanges the culture of [county id] to [culture id].[county id] [culture id]change_culture 496 swedish
change_development_levelAdds [amount] of development to [county id or barony id], if no county is specified then the player character's capital. Negative values lower it.[amount] [county id or barony id]change_development_level 100 496
change_fervorAdds [amount] of fervor to [faith id], if no faith is specified then the player character's faith. Negative values lower it. Default 10.[amount] [faith id]change_fervor 100 catholic
change_house_unity_stageSets house unity to [level name]. Pressing tab reveals all level names.[level name]change_house_unity_stage friendly
change_diplomacyAdds [amount] of diplomacy skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it.[amount] [character id]change_diplomacy 16
change_martialAdds [amount] of martial skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it.[amount] [character id]change_martial 16
change_stewardshipAdds [amount] of stewardship skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it.[amount] [character id]change_stewardship 16
change_intrigueAdds [amount] of intrigue skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it.[amount] [character id]change_intrigue 16
change_learningAdds [amount] of learning skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it.[amount] [character id]change_learning 16
change_prowessAdds [amount] of prowess skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it.[amount] [character id]change_prowess 16
charinfoYou can view infomation such as characters' ID in the game.Nonecharinfo
clear_character_modifiersRemoves all character modifiers from [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]clear_character_modifiers
clear_title_lawsRemoves all title succession laws from [title id].[title id]clear_title_laws e_hre
clear_traitsRemoves all traits from [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]clear_traits
complete_schemesCompletes all schemes started by [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]complete_schemes
discover_all_erasDiscovers all innovations for the culture of [character id], if no character is specified then the player character's.[character id]discover_all_eras all
discover_eraDiscovers [era id] and all its innovations for the player character's culture. Pressing tab reveals all era IDs. Default current era.[era id]discover_era culture_era_early_medieval
discover_fascinationDiscovers the current fascination for the culture of [character id], if no character is specified then the player character's.[character id]discover_fascination
discover_innovationDiscovers [innovation id] for the culture of [character id], if no character is specified then the player character's. Pressing tab reveals all innovation IDs.[innovation id] [character id]discover_innovation innovation_motte
dynasty_prestigeAdds [amount] of renown to [dynasty id], if no dynasty is specified then the player character's dynasty. Negative values lower it. Default 1000.[amount] [dynasty id]dynasty_prestige 100000
effect start_cat_story_cycle_effectGain a pet cat.Noneeffect start_cat_story_cycle_effect
effect start_dog_story_cycle_effectGain a pet dog.Noneeffect start_dog_story_cycle_effect
effect add_legitimacy =Adds [amount] of Legitimacy. Negative values lower it.[amount]effect add_legitimacy = 500
end_diarchyEnds power sharing for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]end_diarchy
end_schemesAll schemes targeting the player character are abandoned.Noneend_schemes
eventTriggers [event id].[event id] [character id]event court_maintenance.0012
fowToggles the fog of war.Nonefow
gain_all_dynasty_perksBuys all dynasty legacies for the dynasty of [character id], if no character is specified then the player character's.[character id]gain_all_dynasty_perks
gain_all_perksGives all lifestyle perks to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]gain_all_perks
give_titleGives [title id] to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[title id] [character id]give_title e_hre
goldAdds [amount] of gold to the player character. Negative values lower it. Default 1000.[amount]gold 500
guaranteed_scheme_successSchemes are always successful.Noneguaranteed_scheme_success
guaranteed_scheme_secrecy_successSchemes are always secret.Noneguaranteed_scheme_secrecy_success
instabuildPlayer Men-at-Arms are reinforced instantly. Current constructions in the player character's domain are finished instantly. New constructions are finished in a day. Entering it again disables it.Noneinstabuild
instant_birthPregnancies last a day. Entering it again disables it.Noneinstant_birth
instant_responsesCharacters respond to player actions immediately. Entering it again disables it.Noneinstant_responses
join_eraEnters [era id] for the culture of [character id], if no character is specified then the player character's. Pressing tab reveals all era IDs.[era id]join_era culture_era_high_medieval
killKills [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]kill
know_schemesDiscovers all schemes targeting the player character.Noneknow_schemes
merge_cultureChanges the culture of all counties of [culture id] to [culture id].[culture id] [culture id]merge_culture greek swedish
pregnancyImpregnates female [character id] with father [character id], if no character is specified then an unknown father.[character id] [character id]pregnancy 1234
progress_struggle_phaseAdds [amount] of catalyst points towards the next phase of [struggle id]. Pressing tab reveals all struggle IDs.[struggle id] [phase id] [amount]progress_struggle_phase iberian_struggle struggle_iberia_phase_hostility 1000
remove_doctrineRemoves [doctrine id] from [faith id], if no faith is specified then the player character's faith. Pressing tab reveals all doctrine IDs.[doctrine id] [faith id]remove_doctrine doctrine_gender_equal catholic
remove_nickRemoves the current nickname from [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]remove_nick
remove_relationRemoves [relation id] between [character id] and [character id], if only one character is specified then between the player character and them.[relation id] [character id]remove_relation friend 1234
remove_traitRemoves [trait id] from [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Pressing tab reveals all trait IDs.[trait id] [character id]remove_trait witch
set_cultureChanges the culture to [culture id] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Pressing tab reveals all culture IDs.[culture id] [character id]set_culture swedish
set_dreadSets the dread to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[amount] [character id]set_dread 100
set_faithChanges the faith to [faith id] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Pressing tab reveals all faith IDs.[faith id] [character id]set_faith catholic
set_focusSets the focus to [focus id] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[focus id] [character id]set_focus diplomacy_majesty_focus
set_nickGives [nickname id] to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Pressing tab reveals all nickname IDs.[nickname id] [character id]set_nick nick_the_lazy
set_sexualityChanges the sexual orientation to [sexuality id] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[sexuality id] [character id]set_sexuality bisexual
set_stressSets the stress to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[amount] [character id]set_stress 0
set_diplomacySets the diplomacy skill to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[amount] [character id]set_diplomacy 16
set_martialSets the martial skill to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[amount] [character id]set_martial 16
set_stewardshipSets the stewardship skill to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[amount] [character id]set_stewardship 16
set_intrigueSets the intrigue skill to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[amount] [character id]set_intrigue 16
set_learningSets the learning skill to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[amount] [character id]set_learning 16
set_prowessSets the prowess skill to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[amount] [character id]set_prowess 16
set_dateSets the date to [], if no month or day is specified, sets to the 1 of January.[]set_date 1100.6.15
skip_activity_phaseGoes to the next activity phase for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]skip_activity_phase
start_diarchyStarts power sharing for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character.[character id]start_diarchy
start_struggleStarts [struggle id]. Pressing Tab reveals all struggle IDs.[struggle id]start_struggle iberian_struggle
yesmenAI characters accept all proposals. Entering it again disables it.Noneyesmen
yesmen_instantAI characters accept all proposals instantly. Entering it again disables it.Noneyesmen_instant
add_pending_court_eventAdds a pending event to the player character's royal court.Noneadd_pending_court_event

Spawning artifacts[edit | edit source]

Most artifacts are randomly generated through complex scripts and cannot be spawned with the console. However historical artifacts can be created that way. To spawn an artifact copy one of the following lines in the console. The game will crash without the { OWNER = this } scope.

effect create_artifact_fp3_ancient_drinking_vessel_effect = { OWNER = this }Achaemenid Drinking Vessel
effect create_artifact_al_dawat_effect = { OWNER = this }al-Dawat
effect create_artifact_al_hafir_effect = { OWNER = this }al-Hafir
effect create_artifact_pedestal_al_jabal_effect = { OWNER = this }al-Jabal
effect create_artifact_al_sayf_al_khass_effect = { OWNER = this }al-Sayf al Khass
effect create_artifact_al_taj_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }al-Taj al-Sharif
effect create_artifact_pedestal_al_yatima_effect = { OWNER = this }al-Yatima
effect create_artifact_abhidhamma_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this }Abhidhamma Pitaka
effect create_artifact_afarganyu_effect = { OWNER = this }Afarganyu
effect create_artifact_arms_of_alexander_effect = { OWNER = this }Alexander's Armor
effect create_artifact_aruval_effect = { OWNER = this }Ancient Aruval
effect create_artifact_kantele_effect = { OWNER = this }Ancient Kantele
effect create_artifact_angelicas_ring_effect = { OWNER = this }Angelica's Ring
effect create_artifact_aram_effect = { OWNER = this }Aram
effect create_artifact_sculpture_ark_of_covenant_effect = { OWNER = this }Ark of the Covenant
effect create_artifact_ascalon_effect = { OWNER = this }Ascalon
effect create_artifact_sculpture_babr_e_bayan_effect = { OWNER = this }Babr-e Bayan
effect create_artifact_wall_banner_thankfulness_effect = { OWNER = this }Banner of Thankfulness
effect create_artifact_various_bells_santiago = { OWNER = this }Bells of Santiago
effect create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_boog_effect = { OWNER = this }Branch of Somb, the First Tree on Earth
effect create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_hinduism_effect = { OWNER = this }Branch of one of the Wish-Granting Kalpavrikshas
effect create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_slavic_effect = { OWNER = this }Branch of the Tree of Life standing on the rock Alatyr
effect create_artifact_bronze_head_effect = { OWNER = this }Bronze Head
effect create_artifact_khanda_effect = { OWNER = this }Ceremonial Khanda
effect create_artifact_goblet_chalice_of_dona_urraca = { OWNER = this }Chalice of Dona Urraca
effect create_artifact_chinese_caligraphy_effect = { OWNER = this }Chinese Calligraphy
effect create_colada_effect = { OWNER = this }Colada
effect create_artifact_pedestal_justinian_effect = { OWNER = this }Crown of Justinian
effect create_artifact_nikephoros_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }Crown of Nikephoros II Phokas
effect create_artifact_crystal_carving_effect = { OWNER = this }Crystal Carving
effect create_artifact_pedestal_cup_jamshid_effect = { OWNER = this }Cup of Jamshid
effect create_artifact_curtana_effect = { OWNER = this }Curtana
effect create_artifact_dagger_of_rostam_effect = { OWNER = this }Dagger of Rostam
effect create_artifact_pedestal_david_harp_effect = { OWNER = this }David's Harp
effect create_artifact_wall_banner_kaviani_effect = { OWNER = this }Derafsh Kaviani
effect create_artifact_dhammapada_effect = { OWNER = this }Dhammapada
effect create_artifact_dragvandil_effect = { OWNER = this }Dragvandil
effect create_artifact_durendal_effect = { OWNER = this }Durendal
effect create_artifact_excalibur_effect = { OWNER = this }Excalibur
effect create_artifact_various_aquamanile_santiago = { OWNER = this }Former Bells of Santiago
effect create_artifact_fp2_4p_chess_board_effect = { OWNER = this }Four-Player Chess Board
effect create_artifact_pedestal_great_diamond_effect = { OWNER = this }Great Diamond
effect create_artifact_edmund_head_effect = { OWNER = this }Head of St. Edmund
effect create_artifact_ibeji_effect = { OWNER = this }Ibeji
effect create_artifact_pedestal_ikenga_effect = { OWNER = this }Ikenga
effect create_artifact_wall_banner_edessa_effect = { OWNER = this }Image of Edessa
effect create_artifact_pedestal_crown_iron_effect = { OWNER = this }Iron Crown of Lombardy
effect create_artifact_jewelled_danda_effect = { OWNER = this }Jeweled Danda
effect create_artifact_joyeuse_effect = { OWNER = this }Joyeuse
effect create_artifact_kaves_apron_effect = { OWNER = this }Kave's Apron
effect create_artifact_essen_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }Kinderkrone
effect create_artifact_kladenets_effect = { OWNER = this }Kladenets
effect create_artifact_legbiter_effect = { OWNER = this }Legbiter
effect create_artifact_fp2_2p_chess_board_effect = { OWNER = this }Lucky Chessboard
effect create_artifact_makarakundala_effect = { OWNER = this }Makarakindala
effect create_artifact_mantle_of_the_prophet_effect = { OWNER = this }Mantle of the Prophet
effect create_artifact_sword_mmaagha_kamalu_effect = { OWNER = this }Mmaagha Kamalu
effect create_artifact_monomachus_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }Monomachus Crown
effect create_artifact_pedestal_koh_i_noor_effect = { OWNER = this }Mountain of Light
effect create_artifact_nagelring_effect = { OWNER = this }Nagelring
effect create_artifact_navaratna_effect = { OWNER = this }Navaratna
effect create_artifact_olifant_effect = { OWNER = this }Olifant
effect create_artifact_oxus_bracelet_effect = { OWNER = this }Oxus Bracelet
effect create_artifact_papal_tiara_effect = { OWNER = this }Papal Tiara
effect create_artifact_peaco*ck_throne_effect = { OWNER = this }Peaco*ck Throne
effect create_artifact_sculpture_cabinet_pentapyrgion_effect = { OWNER = this }Pentapyrgion
effect create_artifact_robe_kassapa_effect = { OWNER = this }Piece of Kassapa's Robe
effect create_artifact_qadib_al_mulk_effect = { OWNER = this }Qadib al-Mulk
effect create_artifact_quernbiter_effect = { OWNER = this }Quern-Biter
effect create_artifact_reichskrone_effect = { OWNER = this }Reichskrone
effect create_artifact_ruyi_effect = { OWNER = this }Ruyi
effect create_artifact_illustrious_sassanian_sword_effect = { OWNER = this }Sassanian Sword
effect create_artifact_zomorrodnegar_effect = { OWNER = this }Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar
effect create_artifact_pedestal_shankha_conch_effect = { OWNER = this }Shankha Conch
effect create_artifact_siddhachakra_effect = { OWNER = this }Siddhachakra
effect create_artifact_skull_cap_charlemagne_effect = { OWNER = this }Skull Cap of Charlemagne
effect create_artifact_sledovik_effect = { OWNER = this }Sledovik
effect create_artifact_spear_of_the_prophet_effect = { OWNER = this }Spear of the Prophet
effect create_artifact_staff_kakusandha_effect = { OWNER = this }Staff of Kakusandha
effect create_artifact_throne_scone_effect = { OWNER = this }Stone of Scone
effect create_artifact_sutta_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this }Sutta Pitaka
effect create_artifact_wall_sword_attila_effect = { OWNER = this }Sword of God
effect create_artifact_wall_muhammad_sword_effect = { OWNER = this }Sword of Muhammad
effect create_artifact_szczerbiec_effect = { OWNER = this }Szczerbiec
effect create_artifact_throne_charlemagne_effect = { OWNER = this }Throne of Charlemagne
effect create_artifact_throne_solomon_effect = { OWNER = this }Throne of Solomon
effect create_artifact_wall_cid_sword_effect = { OWNER = this }Tizona
effect create_artifact_turquoise_throne_effect = { OWNER = this }Turquoise Throne
effect create_artifact_vinaya_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this }Vinaya Pitaka
effect create_artifact_fp2_votive_crowns_effect = { OWNER = this }Visigothic Votive Crown
effect create_artifact_konagamana_effect = { OWNER = this }Water Filter of Koṇāgamana

Scripting commands[edit | edit source]

Script commands are typically more involved, and mostly used for setting up events. These can be used in the console as cheats.

effect = { set_global_variable = { name = char_culture value = root.culture }}Set current ruler's culture as a global variable to be used latereffect = { set_global_variable = { name = char_culture value = root.culture }}
effect = { every_held_title = { set_county_culture = global_var:char_culture}} Changes held title to Ruler's cultureeffect = { every_held_title = { set_county_culture = char_culture }}
effect = { every_held_title = { set_county_culture = root.culture}} Same as above, but in one lineeffect = { every_held_title = { set_county_culture = root.culture}}
effect = { every_sub_realm_county = { set_county_culture = global_var:char_culture }}Changes every sub realm county to Ruler's cultureeffect = { every_sub_realm_county = { set_county_culture = global_var:char_culture }}
effect = { every_vassal_or_below = { set_culture = global_var:char_culture }}Changes every vassal, and their vassals, to Ruler's cultureeffect = { every_vassal_or_below = { set_culture = global_var:char_culture }}
effect = { every_vassal_or_below = { set_character_faith = faith:[faith id] }}Changes every vassal, and their vassals, to Ruler's faith[faith: faith id]effect = { every_vassal_or_below = { set_character_faith = faith:dynamic_faith_101 }}
effect = { every_courtier_or_guest = { set_culture = global_var:char_culture }}Changes every courtier and guest to their rulers cultureeffect = { every_courtier_or_guest = { set_culture = global_var:char_culture }}
effect = { every_courtier_or_guest = { set_character_faith = faith:[faith id] }}Changes every courtier and guest to their rulers faith[faith: faith id]effect = { every_courtier_or_guest = { set_character_faith = faith:dynamic_faith_101 }}
effect = { every_held_title = { set_county_faith = global_var:char_faith }}
effect = {house = { every_house_member = { set_culture = global_var:char_culture }}Changes every relative in the house to match ruler's cultureeffect = {house = { every_house_member = { set_culture = global_var:char_culture }}
effect = {house = { every_house_member = { set_character_faith = faith:[faith id] }}Changes every relative in the house to match ruler's faith[faith: faith id]effect = {house = { every_house_member = { set_character_faith = faith:dynamic_faith_101 }}
effect = { title:(county id) = { set_county_faith = faith:(faith id)} }Changes the faith to [faith id] for a county [county id][title: county id], [faith: faith id]effect = { title:(c_byzantion) = { set_county_faith = faith:(catholic)} }
effect = { title:c_<county_ID> = { set_de_jure_liege_title = title:d_<duchy_ID> } }changes title de jure liegeeffect = { title:d_latium = { set_de_jure_liege_title = title:k_italy } }
effect spawn_army = { men_at_arms = { type = (men at arms type) = (amount) } location = capital_province }Adds special soldiers(men at arms type), (amount)effect spawn_army = { men_at_arms = { type = huscarl men = 500 } location = capital_province }
effect = { province:(province_id)= { add_province_modifier = extra_building_slot }}Adds a building slot to the province (stackable)[title: province id]effect = { province:496 = { add_province_modifier = extra_building_slot }}
effect = { add_trait_xp = {trait = [x] value=[y]}}increases one-path leveled lifestyle trait experiences[x]: leveled trait tag,[y]: experienceseffect = { add_trait_xp = {trait = lifestyle_blademaster value=100}}

leveled trait tag:lifestyle_blademaster,lifestyle_reveler,lifestyle_physician,pilgrim,lifestyle_mystic,lifestyle_hunter,lifestyle_traveler,tourney_participant

effect = { add_trait_xp = {trait = [x] track=[y] value=[z]}}increases multiple-path leveled lifestyle trait experiences[x]: leveled trait tag,[y]:trait path name ,[z]: experienceseffect = { add_trait_xp = {trait = lifestyle_hunter track=venator value=100}}

lifestyle_hunter path name: venator,falconer

lifestyle_traveler path name: travel,danger

tourney_participant path name: bow,foot,horse,wit

Testing commands[edit | edit source]

Testing commands are used for developer, beta tester or modder testing.

clearClears console history.Noneclear
dump_bookmark_portraitsCreates bookmark portraits of all current bookmark characters, stored in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\common\bookmark_portraits. Any changes applied through the barbershop will be kept.Nonedump_bookmark_portraits
effectExecutes a scripted effect.

To run the effect on a character other than the player, use effect character:<character_id> = {<effect_name> = <parameters>}

[effect script]effect test
faction_spawnSpawns [faction type] if there are valid counties or courtiers to create it.[faction type]faction_spawn peasant_faction
generate_cadet_coaGenerates a new coat of arms for the player character's house.Nonegenerate_cadet_coa
guaranteed_scheme_failureSchemes are never successful.Noneguaranteed_scheme_failure
guaranteed_scheme_secrecy_failureSchemes are never secret.Noneguaranteed_scheme_secrecy_failure
helpPrints the description of [command], if empty lists all console commands.[command]help help
instamoveArmies move one barony per day. Affects AI as well as the player.Noneinstamove
map_editorOpens the map editor.Nonemap_editor
nomenAI characters refuse all proposals. Entering it again disables it.Nonenomen
observeEnters observer mode.Noneobserve
playSwitches character to [character id].[character id]play 1234
portrait_editorOpens the portrait editor.Noneportrait_editor
reloadReloads mod and game files into memory. Press tab to see all the (many) possible targets that can be reloaded.[filename][target]reload events
runExecutes the commands in [file name]. The txt file must be placed in Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings III/run.Nonerun test.txt
set_is_aiAllows the AI to control [character id].[character id]set_is_ai 1234
set_is_playerDisallows the AI to control [character id].[character id]set_is_player 1234
script_docsPrints all effects, event scopes, modifiers, on actions, triggers, etc. to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\logs.Nonescript_docs
tick_developmentAdds [amount] of development to all counties.[amount]tick_development 200

Trait tags[edit | edit source]

Main article: Traits

All traits have a tag that is referenced internally by the game. They can be found in game\common\traits\00_traits.txt. A trait's tag typically matches its name. To get a trait's tag from its name, perform the following steps:

  • Replace spaces ( ) and dashes (-) with underscores (_)
  • Remove all apostrophes (')
  • Turn all upper case letters into lower case (A...Z->a...z)

Traits that do not follow this pattern have been listed below for reference.

Trait (education)Tag
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (2)Naive Appeasereducation_diplomacy_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (3)Adequate Bargainereducation_diplomacy_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (4)Charismatic Negotiatoreducation_diplomacy_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (5)Grey Eminenceeducation_diplomacy_4
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (6)Virtuoso Arbitratoreducation_diplomacy_5
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (7)Misguided Warrioreducation_martial_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (8)Tough Soldiereducation_martial_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (9)Skilled Tacticianeducation_martial_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (10)Brilliant Strategisteducation_martial_4
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (11)Exalted Warlordeducation_martial_5
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (12)Indulgent Wastreleducation_stewardship_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (13)Thrifty Clerkeducation_stewardship_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (14)Fortune Buildereducation_stewardship_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (15)Midas Touchededucation_stewardship_4
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (16)Golden Sovereigneducation_stewardship_5
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (17)Amateurish Plottereducation_intrigue_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (18)Flamboyant Trickstereducation_intrigue_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (19)Intricate Webweavereducation_intrigue_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (20)Elusive Shadoweducation_intrigue_4
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (21)Conniving Puppetmastereducation_intrigue_5
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (22)Conscientious Scribeeducation_learning_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (23)Insightful Thinkereducation_learning_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (24)Astute Intellectualeducation_learning_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (25)Mastermind Philosophereducation_learning_4
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (26)Erudite Oracleeducation_learning_5
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (27)Bumbling Squireeducation_martial_prowess_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (28)Confident Knighteducation_martial_prowess_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (29)Formidable Bannereteducation_martial_prowess_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (30)Famous Championeducation_martial_prowess_4
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (31)Town Dwellereducation_republican_knowledge_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (32)Mayor Traineeeducation_republican_knowledge_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (33)Town Maveneducation_republican_knowledge_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (34)Republican Heireducation_republican_knowledge_4
Trait (congenital)Tag
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (35)Homelybeauty_bad_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (36)Uglybeauty_bad_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (37)Hideousbeauty_bad_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (38)Comelybeauty_good_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (39)Handsome / Prettybeauty_good_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (40)Beautifulbeauty_good_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (41)Slowintellect_bad_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (42)Stupidintellect_bad_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (43)Imbecileintellect_bad_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (44)Quickintellect_good_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (45)Intelligentintellect_good_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (46)Geniusintellect_good_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (47)Delicatephysique_bad_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (48)Frailphysique_bad_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (49)Feeblephysique_bad_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (50)Halephysique_good_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (51)Robustphysique_good_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (52)Amazonian / Herculeanphysique_good_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (53)Melancholicdepressed_1 / depressed_genetic
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (54)Lunaticlunatic_1 / lunatic_genetic
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (55)Possessedpossessed_1 / possessed_genetic
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (56)Sterile / Barreninfertile
Trait (other)Tag
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (57)Blademasterlifestyle_blademaster
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (58)Hunterlifestyle_hunter
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (59)Wise Man / Wise Womanlifestyle_mystic
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (60)Eager Revelerlifestyle_reveler
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (61)Novice Physicianlifestyle_physician
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (62)Herbalistlifestyle_herbalist
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (63)Gardenerlifestyle_gardener
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (64)Patriarch / Matriarchfamily_first
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (65)Dynastic Kinslayerkinslayer_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (66)Familial Kinslayerkinslayer_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (67)Kinslayerkinslayer_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (68)Woundedwounded_1
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (69)Severely Injuredwounded_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (70)Brutally Mauledwounded_3
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (71)Monk / Nundevoted
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (72)Crusader
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (73)Mujahid
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (74)Warrior of the Faith
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (75)Holy Monarchcrusader_king
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (76)Bloody Fluxdysentery
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (77)Club-footedclubfooted
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (78)Holy Fireergotism
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (79)Pneumoniapneumonic
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (80)The Saviorsavior
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (81)Raider / Vikingviking
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (82)Child of Concubinechild_of_concubine_female
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (83)Child of Consortchild_of_concubine_male
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (84)Venerated Ancestor / Saintsaint
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (85)Accused of Decadencedecadent
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (86)Extolled by Houseextolled
Diplomatic Courtierdiplomatic_court_1
Valued Diplomatic Courtierdiplomatic_court_2
Warlike Courtierwarlike_court_1
Valued Warlike Courtierwarlike_court_2
Administrative Courtieradministrative_court_1
Valued Administrative Courtieradministrative_court_2
Intrigue Courtierintrigue_court_1
Valued Intrigue Courtierintrigue_court_2
Scholarly Courtierscholarly_court_1
Valued Scholarly Courtierscholarly_court_2
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (97)Hastiludertourney_participant
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (98)Detractor of the Caliphatefp3_struggle_detractor
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (99)Supporter of Caliphal Authorityfp3_struggle_supporter

Innovation tags[edit | edit source]

Main article: Innovation

Innovation IDs usually match their name. The following innovations use a different ID however:

Public Worksinnovation_development_01
Defensive Tacticsinnovation_mobile_guards
Konni Raidsinnovation_hussar_raids
West African Canoesinnovation_african_canoes
Communal Developmentinnovation_development_02
Household Soldiersinnovation_house_soldiers
Desert Mountain Practicesinnovation_desert_mountain_herding
Promissory Notesinnovation_currency_04
Renaissance Thoughtinnovation_development_04

Title Tags[edit | edit source]

Main article: Titles

All titles have an internal title tag that can be found in game\common\landed_titles\00_landed_titles.txt. Title tags have a prefix based on their rank, followed by an underscore (_) and then their name.

Console commands - CK3 Wiki (118)Baronyb_Wigmore -> b_wigmore
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (119)Countyc_Sundgau -> c_sundgau
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (120)Duchyd_Sicily -> d_sicily
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (121)Kingdomk_Denmark -> k_denmark
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (122)Empiree_Persia -> e_persia

Title Tags can also be seen in their respective title lists:

  • List of baronies
  • List of counties
  • List of duchies
  • List of kingdoms
  • List of empires

Finding title tags based on in-game name[edit | edit source]

The title ID may not match the title's name in-game. For example, the player may have their game set to a language other than English or a title has a culture-specific name. Use the following steps to find a title ID purely on its in-game name:

  • Navigate to the file located at game\localization\LANGUAGE\titles_l_LANGUAGE.yml, replacing LANGUAGE with your game language.
  • Open the file with a text editor like Notepad++ and search for any instances of the in-game name using CTRL + F.
  • If you managed to find a match:
    • The line should look similar to b_my_barony_name:0 "In-game name for barony".
    • The title ID is the word before the :0, therefore being b_my_barony_name in this example.
  • If you could not find a match:
    • Close the file.
    • In the same folder as the previous file, open the file titles_cultural_names_l_LANGUAGE.yml, replacing LANGUAGE appropriately.
    • Repeat your search for the title's in-game name in this file.
    • When you find a match, it should look like so: cn_lunden:0 "Lunden".
    • Remember/copy the word before the :0 (in this example, cn_lunden); this is a cultural name key of the title.
    • Close the file.
    • Navigate to the file game\common\landed_titles\00_landed_titles.txt and open it with your text editor.
    • Perform a search for the cultural name key you found in the previous file (e.g., cn_lunden).
    • The search query should land within a block named cultural_names enclosed by curly brackets ({, }).
    • Read the lines above until you reach another start of a block (denoted by b_london = {). Ignore any blocks like color = { or color2 ={.
    • The word in place of b_london is your title ID.

Finding custom title tags[edit | edit source]

Custom titles (i.e. the title of a player created Empire) do not follow the same naming convention. To find the ID:

  • From the debug console use the command explorer to open Object Browser
  • In Object Browser choose Provider: Landed Titles
  • Enter search term
  • Hover over the Name field to show the title card

See also[edit | edit source]

  • Nickname ID
  • Decision ID

References[edit | edit source]


ScriptingAIBookmarksCharactersCommandsCouncilCultureDecisionsDynastiesEventsGovernmentsHistoryHoldingsLifestylesRegimentsReligionsStory cyclesStrugglesTitlesTraits
InterfaceInterfaceData typesLocalizationCustomizable localization
Graphics3D modelsExportersCoat of armsGraphical assetsFontsParticlesShadersUnit models
OtherConsole commandsChecksumMod structureModding toolsTroubleshooting
Console commands - CK3 Wiki (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.